February 13, 2019

I'm Moving!

Hi, friends!

After almost six years in total of writing on this site, I have decided it is time for a move! Yep, I've created an entirely new website to house my content! This new site will enable me to showcase and organize my creativity like never before - it's exciting! The website you are currently viewing will remain intact, but all of my future blog posts, podcasts, etc. will be posted on the new website. I hope you will take some time to visit my new place. It's going to be awesome! Thank you for your continued support.

Grace & peace,
Brianna Elizabeth

January 31, 2019

10 Netflix Documentaries on Food & Fashion Sustainability

To be honest, I turn into a mega-nerd for a good documentary. I absolutely love to cuddle up with a big blanket and binge-watch docs on everything from killer whales to urban legends. My favorite documentaries, however, are those that pertain to issues of social justice. Social activism leads me closer to the heart of Jesus and in turn, helps me to better understand and love the people around me. Lately, I've been watching a lot of documentaries on the relationships between food, fashion, and sustainability. I think that these documentaries are worthwhile and impactful, and I hope you will take some time to cozy up, relax, and check them out (on Netflix)!

January 18, 2019

Cultivating a Sense of Home in College

Over the past several years, I've lived quite a few places (a computer lab in an urban school, a traditional dorm, an on-campus apartment, a converted flat in Germany, my best friend's living room, and my childhood home, just to name a few). It has been quite the adventure and I don't really foresee myself moving somewhere long-term in the near future, and that's okay with me. I mean, aren't all homes on earth just temporary? Nonetheless, in this collegiate season of ebbing and flowing, I've learned a lot about myself and the types of environments in which I thrive.

January 10, 2019

Why a low-waste life?

I am one-third of the way into a 30 day zero waste challenge today, and I'm just now realizing that there are actual reasons Megean the Zero Waste Nerd calls it a challenge. The process of becoming a bamboo girl in a plastic world is no cake-walk; unless of course, all the cakes were scratch-made from sugar and flour purchased in bulk jars and stored in a hippie's pantry. Nonetheless, I'm enjoying the challenge of transitioning into a more sustainable lifestyle. It is increasingly evident to me that the basic principles of low-waste living encourage gratefulness and simplicity while provoking thoughtfulness and compassion, all of which make my wildflower heart flutter. Plus, I'm having a lot of fun creating polaroid Instagram stories to track and share my low-waste beginnings - although I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm more so driving people crazy than inspiring them.

December 31, 2018

New Year, Less Stuff!

If you know me in real life (and chances are if you're reading this, you do) then you probably know that over the last year I have been transitioning into a more sustainable lifestyle. Essentially, this means that I am working toward an existence that reduces my individual impact on the depletion of our God-given resources on Earth, and in the long run saves my personal resources and positively impacts my health. If by chance you don't know me, all you really need to know is this: I love God, people, and nature, and I believe that God intended for us people to take care of his creations.  Sustainability may seem like a craze, but I believe the simplicity and satisfaction of it may very well be lasting. I have no intention of becoming a minimalistic guru, nor do I plan to convert people to sustainable living like its a new religion. However, since this is a blog about my wildflower life, I have decided to share my journey toward sustainability with you here, friends.