April 25, 2018

Why a blog-cast? Your questions answered.

Just over a month ago I launched a podcast addition to Where a Wildflower Wonders. (You can listen to the introductory episode here!) Since the launch, several friends have inquired about the purpose of my podcast and the reasons for updates to my social media "platforms". If by chance you have similar questions about my intentions for this space, I have decided to address some common inquiries right here on the blog! Keep reading if you're curious!

What is a blog-cast?
Here is a simple equation that explains the term blog-cast: blog + podcast = blog-cast. I am not a "math person", but I find this equation mostly does the trick. Essentially, a blog-cast is a website with a blog format that contains both blog posts and podcast episodes. A blog-cast allows those who favor visual posts and others who prefer audio to merge.

So, why a blog-cast?
Let's face the facts here. I am what most people refer to as "a talker." All throughout school the only thing I really got into trouble for was being a chatterbox. My love for constant conversation has not changed in young-adulthood, either. Anyone who knows me in the face-to-face world will vouch for the fact that I am constantly thinking about ten different things at once and turning those thoughts into words and action plans. I love to journal, blog and share the truths of my life with anyone who wants a taste of my brain-cake, and I also really appreciate the authenticity of the thoughts and emotions that are expressed in genuine conversations. A blog-cast allows me to write and speak in the same internet space, which I find awesome.

What is your podcast about?
I am so glad you asked! There are literally hundreds of millions of blogs and podcasts in the world, so why does this one matter, right? The way I see it, Where a Wildflower Wonders has significance because, well, Jesus. We are all keepers of one-of-a-kind life stories that bring God glory, and this blog-cast is one way I am able to share about my life in Christ with people who find themselves interested. To be specific, I try to focus on three main themes in my podcast episodes: Jesus, social justice, and relationships. More often than not, two or three of these main themes become intertwined. However, Jesus cannot be confined to boxes and checklists and overarching themes, so my podcast is about whatever Jesus places on my heart and the hearts of my guest hosts. The Where a Wildflower Wonders Podcast is about life, and how Jesus shows up in all aspects of life - especially when social justice and relationships are involved. I am all for living in the wonder of Jesus and our world!

Could the episodes be longer or shorter? 
The podcast episodes published on this blog-cast are authentic conversations that just so happen to be recorded. I try to keep episodes between twenty and sixty minutes in length, but Christ and conversational content are the ultimate tellers of time. If an episode is too long for you to listen to in one sitting, try breaking it up over the course of a few days; I only publish one podcast episode per week. If an episode feels too short and you are dying for more, let me know in the comments below that episode. I will shout "woohoo" and "amen", and there's a good chance I will choose to continue that conversation in the future! Fun fact: I personally find it most fun and efficient to listen to podcasts while performing solitary tasks such as driving to work, making dinner, folding laundry, or having coffee on a Tuesday morning. How do you podcast-listen? #tuneintuesday

Could I be featured in an episode?
Yes! The answer to this question is most likely a yes. The guest hosts on my podcast are friends and family who enjoy hosting authentic conversations about (yep, you guessed it) Jesus, social justice, or relationships. If this describes you, let me know! There's a good chance I will eventually extend an invitation to you but, it would thrill me if you went ahead and let me know that you are interested in guest-hosting an episode! You can practically contact me on any social media network by searching @briannaemedia or #whereawildflowerwonders.

Why so many social media accounts?
Honestly, there are several answers to this question. I have chosen to separate my public Instagram and Facebook accounts from my private accounts for two simple reasons (and neither of the reasons me trying to maintain a secret or double life). One, I am not interested in overwhelming people with my sort of self-promotion and blog-cast advertising. People who are interested in Where a Wildflower Wonders can follow my public accounts, which are solely dedicated to this blog-cast. Others who know me and are not interested in my blog-cast can continue following other aspects of my ordinary life without having lots of news from my website in their feeds. Two, it feels unwise to disclose all of my personal information to the everyone. By having separate public and private accounts, I am able to maintain a sense of privacy while still fulfilling my calling to share my life in Christ with those who may or may not know me personally. (No hard feelings, current strangers. Let's get together and chat over fair-trade coffee sometime.) On another note, I am spread across Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter because I truly desire to be accessible. If you ever want to contact me, I am super easy to find. Just search @briannaemedia on any of the aforementioned social media networks.

What's the story behind Where a Wildflower Wonders?
Oh, the stories I could tell about the significance of the wildflower metaphor in my life. You'll just have to stay tuned for the answers to this one. I will, however, leave you with Isaiah 40:8 (ESV). "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever."

Well, friends, that's a wrap for this post. If you have any further questions or comments, I would love to answer them in the boxes below!

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